Patty McCarty Special Ed. Consultant

Home Schoolers in Oregon with students qualifying for Special Ed Services must follow this procedure.

1) Psychological testing – every 3 years or as needed to continue appropriate services.  (ESD or private source*)

2) Diagnostic testing – (Brigance or other)

(A service I provide, or you can have it done through your school district at their convenience.)

3) Eligibility multidisciplinary team meeting

(Your school district can provide this or a private team can, I can be a member of either team.)

4) If you choose to operate outside the school's services we will work as a team to generate a Privately Developed Plan (PDP). If you choose to work with the public schools, an Individual Education Program (IEP) is written. (If they write the plan, they must be the people to teach your child, in their setting and they maintain control of the methods and records.  If a private team writes a PDP, then we find the teacher/therapists/providers through private sources.)
Multidisciplinary team meeting to discuss IEP/PDP goals.  (Again, the district can do this or a private team can, I can be a part of either team.)

5) You teach your child.

6) End of every school year diagnostic (Brigance) testing to check to see is “satisfactory educational progress” has been made.  The data from the testing will help the team generate an new PDP/IDP document for the following year.

7) Multidisciplinary team meets and writes a letter to ESD stating that satisfactory progress has been made (assuming that it has.)  The letter is kept on file and mailed only if they request a copy.  ESD never gets to see test results or the PDP.  Student records are only required on file at the ESD on the "benchmark years", at the end of grades 3, 5, 8, and 10, but ESD will happily keep a record for you of any records you choose to voluntarily submit.  If you choose to submit annual letters they will keep this on file.  If you choose to wait for records to be requested, that is also fine, it is a matter of personal comfort. 

* I can provide the name of a local firm whom I trust to do the psycho-educational exam if you choose to use a private source.

** Every 9 weeks I can meet with one or both parents, tutors or therapists to discuss progress and share ideas for continued success.  (This is not a legal requirement by anyone, but is recommended by the Home School Legal Defense Association, and I have seen it be exceedingly useful, particularly until the team has found strategies that are working well and clear progress is being made.)

***I strongly encourage families I work with to join the Home School Legal Defense Association.